Keep The Gears Turning!
Join us the first Tuesday of each month for Tune Up Tuesday
March Topic:
US 70 James City (Project Update)
Guest Speakers:
NC Department of Transportation
Wendi Johnson - Division Construction Engineer
Sarah Parkin - Communications & Public Involvement Lead

Join us the first Tuesday of each month for Tune Up Tuesday
March Topic:
US 70 James City (Project Update)
Guest Speakers:
NC Department of Transportation
Wendi Johnson - Division Construction Engineer
Sarah Parkin - Communications & Public Involvement Lead

TUNE UP TUESDAY - Keep The Gears Turn...
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 7, 2023
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Tuesday, March 7
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Limited Seats
RSVP BY: Friday March 3 at 5:00 p.m.
New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce
316 South Front Street
316 South Front Street New Bern Chamber of Commerce New Bern NC 2856
Contact Information
Teresa Suhrie
Send Email