Nonprofit Organizations
Administration Monday-Friday; Medical clinics (by appt only) Tues/Thurs 8-5;
Driving Directions:
Corner of Professional Drive and Tatum Drive, New Bern, NC (down the street from the original Piggly Wiggly).
About Us
A non-profit medical clinic, staffed primary by volunteers. For adults of Craven, Jones or Pamlico Counties who have no health insurance (no VA benefits, no Medicare, no Medicaid) and are of lower income (250% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines). Offering Primary Care, some specialty clinics, limited dental care (must be current MERCI patient) and medications. Eligibility office open 10am-2pm, Tuesday and Thursday. Clinic by appointment only for eligible patients. Located at 1315 Tatum Drive, New Bern. Telephone: 252-633-1599, or send email to ''''. Always in need of volunteers at all levels: administrative, data entry, physicians, mid level providers, nurses, pharmacists, pharm techs, translators, lab techs (CLIA waived lab), diabetes educators. Apply through the MERCI Clinic website